When you consider this issue, “can vegan eat honey?”, there are two sides of the same coin to deal with it.
While most vegans exclude honey from their daily diet, some still occasionally consume a small amount of honey.
To have a better viewpoint of this debated problem and get to deeply understand it, let’s take a closer look at the article below.
Is Honey Vegan?
This question has been under discussion for years among vegans. There’s no accurate answer to it because whether it’s right or wrong depends on how you think about the term “vegan.”
Some vegans think that bees make honey for themselves, therefore, it is wrong for humans to collect and take advantage of honey for other purposes.
In this way of thinking, the answer to the question, “can vegan eat honey?” is, of course, no since honey doesn’t belong to the vegan types of food.
Reasons Why Most Vegans Avoid Eating Honey
Honey is regarded as a controversial kind of food for vegans. It is the result of bees collecting nectar from flowering plants. Honey is an animal product, which means it is not accepted into the vegan category.
A vegan is a person who doesn’t eat or use any animal products, such as meat, milk or leather, or wool. That’s why most vegans consider bee farming as other types of animal farming.
They believe that the act of collecting honey from bees is a cruel and inhumane method. Naturally, bees collect nectar from flowers to produce honey and feed themselves.
However, people want to make use of honey for commercial activities, leading to exploitative practices. They will take honey away from bees, cutting down on the essential nutrients necessary for bees to survive.
Some even take all of the honey and replace it with artificial substances similar to honey, providing an unhealthy food source to bees. Furthermore, when beekeepers spray smoke to get bees out of their hives to make honey, they can accidentally kill some bees.
As a result, vegans want to take action against this harmful method by avoiding consuming honey.
Arguments From Other Vegans
While a large number of vegans oppose the consumption of honey, some vegans take honey as a part of their diet.
These supportive people have their own attitude towards the question, “can you eat honey if you’re vegan?”.
#1. Every Organic Production Has Effects On Insects
Any farming production, even organic one, includes the use of pesticides. This chemical will harm not only the plants but also insects and bugs living on them.
It means that the loss or damage of bees when collecting honey is an undeniable outcome. You need to accept this problem as a common thing involved in the harvesting process.
#2. Locally Produced Honey
If a person follows a vegan lifestyle but still consumes honey, call that person a beegan. In this case, you can enjoy locally sourced honey without worrying about affecting the bees.
When you try to protect the bees, you can count on local farms for some reliable and safe ways of collecting honey. “do vegan eat honey?”, it is a yes if you think that you have considerable respect for bees as well as animal rights.
Alternatives To Honey
Those who don’t want to use honey can find a similar flavor in some excellent alternative products below, which are made from fruits or liquid sweeteners.
Once you have tried these alternatives, you can expect an unforgettable eating experience even when you are a vegan.
#1. Maple Syrup
This is a plant-based product, which is made from the sap of the maple tree. It is recommended that maple syrup be good for your health since it provides important vitamins and minerals.
However, raw vegans need to exclude maple syrup from their diet because the production of this syrup is not good for them.
#2. Brown Rice Syrup
You can easily find the brown rice syrup at the most convenient stores near you. This syrup gives less sweet taste than honey, but it will do you good in the long run.
By exposing brown rice to enzymes until it produces thick and dark caramel flavor syrup, you can add some spoons of it into your recipes for tastier dishes.
#3. Barley Malt Syrup
This is a sweetener made from sprouted barley, giving a unique taste and less sweet flavor than honey. The golden color of this syrup makes it more attractive to replace honey when you want to prepare cookies for vegan meals.
#4. Date Syrup
You can cook this syrup at home because the process is very easy, no matter how clumsy you are. All you have to do is blend boiled dates with water until the sweetener changes to a caramel color.
#5. Molasses
This is a good deal to make if you want to have a special substance instead of honey in your diet. The process of making molasses is easy to follow, only by boiling and refining sugarcane into sugar.
The final result will be thick and brown liquid, which is rich in iron and calcium, suitable for vegans to consume it.
#6. Bee Free Honee
If you are looking for a sweetener that shares the appearance and taste like honey, the bee free honee will not let you down. This vegan honey alternative is made from apples, sugar, and fresh juice, giving a wonderful taste to your meals.
I hope that after reading this article, you will have your own answer to the question, “Can Vegan Eat Honey?”. This problem can be seen from many angles with different viewpoints, so it is hard to find out the most appropriate answer.
Using honey or not in daily life depends greatly on the preference and belief of vegans. You need to choose smartly according to the suggestions in the article to ensure the quality of your lifestyle.
Please continue to eat only vegitables as it leaves more beef for us till that runs out then we’ll just eat you people. So please, eat eat eat, sit and type, sit and type, sit and type, walk in the forest……alone…..get used to walking alone in forests…..
We’ll be in touch!