Is honey mustard vegan? In fact, honey mustard isn’t vegan. Honey and mustard, as the name suggests, are usually mixed in a 1:1 combination.
Honey is generally considered non-vegan, so any mixture containing this ingredient is excluded.
What Is Honey Mustard Vegan?
Honey mustard is a sauce frequently used for chicken (nuggets, etc.). We aren’t eating chicken, but the food is delicious and will complement a vegan-friendly vegan chicken.
People have very different views on the ethics of collecting and consuming honey, but as we have mentioned above, honey is not vegan because it comes from an animal.
Many people who classify it as plant-based, on the other hand, consume honey but not other animal-derived foods.
Why Is Honey Mustard Considered Non-Vegan?
In contrast to other controversial products technically considered non-vegan, there is widespread agreement that honey is not suitable for vegan use.
And, indeed, PETA considers this ingredient to be non-vegan. Not that the party has the final say or something, but its existence as another instance of a society-wide is worth noting.
What’s the deal with it not being vegan? Honey Bees, both wild and domesticated, produce honey. Beehives generate about 65 pounds of honey per year on average.
And, first and foremost, honey is taken. Bees produce honey for their own consumption, not for our consumption.
Second, there are a few activities involved in the harvesting process that most people deem inhumane.
The smoke is useful in calming bees because it activates a feeding impulse in the bees, making them less aggressive and also obscures the pheromones that bees use to communicate.
Harvesting used to be done without the use of interchangeable plates, which necessitated the loss of bee colonies in order to extract the honey. The harvester will take all of the remaining honey, starve the hive, and force the colony to start the following year again.
So, note that even if the selection process is entirely humane, honey would almost definitely be considered non-vegan — at least for most standards — because any product that requires the overt treatment of animals should be avoided.
How Can You Make Vegan-Friendly Honey Mustard?
Fruits also produce mildly sweet nectar. It’s known as agave nectar, and you’ve probably already heard of it. It has a high level of water, and it’s smooth and slick, unlike honey. Not exactly the same, but quite.
Vegan-friendly honey mustard is incredibly simple to make and tailor to your tastes. This post will show you how to make one of the recipes, but you can use any mustard combination you want!
It’s very sweet, and it’s much fruitier than honey. So, add a little agave at a time before you achieve the flavor you want.
Ingredients in our perfected blend include:
- 1/2 cup of cashews, raw
- 1 quart of water
- Almond milk, 1/2 cup
- 1 tbsp mustard (yellow)
- 1 tbsp mustard (dijon)
- 3 tbsp agave nectar or edible honey
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- Fill a shallow bowl halfway with water and add the cashews. Refrigerate for at least one night before draining the water. In a mixer, combine all of the ingredients and mix until creamy.
- Honestly, It’s just as tangy and tasty as it is. Now is the time to begin dipping!! Alternatively, drizzle all over it.
How To Store Your Vegan Honey Mustard?
This delectable sauce should be kept refrigerated at all times. I don’t recommend storing the mixture for more than 5-6 days, so ensure your batch size corresponds to the quantity you’ll need.
This recipe makes about 3/4 cup of honey mustard, yet the serving size can be adjusted in the recipe’s “servings” package. With the transition in servings, all of these ingredients will automatically adjust.
What Makes You Confused? – Some Common Questions
While this is a simple recipe, you will have many questions if you’ve never made it before.
What is the reason for soaking the cashews?
Soaking the cashews softens them and aids in the smoothness of the sauce. You’ll end up with a slightly chunky or grainy sauce if you miss this stage.
What is the shelf life of this honey mustard sauce?
This honey mustard sauce can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three days. Store it in an airtight bag at all times. If it starts to break, whisk it again until it is well combined.
The Final Verdict
Is honey mustard vegan? Hence, the right answer is that honey mustard is not vegan. However, we can make Vegan-friendly Honey Mustard by simply finding ingredients.
It is only one of many recipes to have this taste. So, leave a comment in the box below if you know another great recipe.
Thanks for reading. Good Luck!